
Shaping policies that impact neurodivergent people

The Trust contributes to public consultations (run by the Scottish Government or a Committee of The Scottish Parliament) on issues salient to our practice, the people for whom we advocate, and neurodivergence more broadly. We produce ad hoc briefings on important subjects as appropriate, too, outlining our positions on key issues.

We are pleased to respond to the Education, Children and Young People Committee’s Call for Views on the Education (Scotland) Bill.

We believe it is essential that the lived experiences of neurodivergent learners are heard during this consultative phase and visible in all of the structures that emerge from this work over time. While the content of this Bill is centred on issues of governance and accountability somewhat removed from school learners’ everyday experiences and engagement with learning, a large number of the proposed reforms will have a real and tangible impact on how we ensure pupils (including those we support) have a meaningful say in the bodies that help to shape their future.

Whilst developing this written response, we engaged with educators in the Sensational Learning Centre and Vibe services.

You can read our full response below.