

The Donaldson Trust is governed by a Board of Trustees who are charged – under the Trust Scheme – to promote and encourage children and young people with additional support needs to realise their potential.

Our Trustees are appointed from a variety of sectors. The Board is responsible for appointing the Trust’s CEO.

The role of the Board of Trustees is to formulate strategy, ensure accountability and shape culture. The Board continues to review and plan for the future strategic direction of the Trust, financial sustainability and quality.

The Board is responsible for governance of the organisation and setting the strategic direction in order to achieve its charitable objectives.

The Board also reviews its charitable purpose to reflect its plans for the future strategic direction of the Trust.

Each of the sub Committees of the Board reports to the full Board quarterly meetings to provide a high level summary of key assurances, issues and risks and matters requiring the Board’s approval or endorsement. Each of the Committees annually reviews remits and practises to assess effectiveness in meeting its terms of reference; highlighting areas of concern; and outlining key strategic issues on its agenda for the forthcoming year.


The remits and purposes of the two Board Committees are currently as set out below.

Quality, People  and Innovation Committee  (QPIC)

The purpose of the Quality, People  and Innovation Committee is, on behalf of the Board, to provide policy guidance, oversight and scrutiny on all indicators of quality of service in order to continuously develop and improve quality of service and outcomes for those who access our services.

Finance and Audit Committee (FAC)

The purpose of the Finance and Audit  Committee is, on behalf of the Board, to provide policy guidance, oversight and scrutiny on all matters relating to investments; financial sustainability; internal control; audit; risk management; and business development activities.

Remuneration and Nominations Committee (RNC)

The purpose of the Remuneration and Nominations Committee is, on behalf of the Board, to provide policy guidance, oversight and scutiny on all matters relating to the recruitment, selection and remuneration of Trustees and senior staff.